Origin of name Miltonia
During a trip to Thailand in 1998 Dr. Augustin visited an orchids Garden and fell in love with the multiple colours and shapes of the flowers and especially with the Miltoniopsis orchid and in 2009 when there was a need to have a name for the newly formed company the beautiful orchids stuck in mind and MILTONIA originated.
MILTONIA Companies specializes purely in Health care products. Miltonia Health Science dedicates in health care products and Miltonia Orthopedia specializes in Orthopedic products. The companies were founded in year 2009 & 2011 respectively by DR. Augustin a health care professional with many years of experience in multinational pharmaceutical corporations.
The company founded with a focus of fulfilling all the knowledge, which obtained during the years of work to develop effective healthcare products for improving the quality and comfort of patients.
What we do:
Miltonia companies develops and produces its own branded health care products through third party manufacturing agreements and in-licensing brands for marketing from other Health care manufacturers.
The products produced by Miltonia health science covers the following therapeutic segments
- Gynecology [Vagimilt, Femigeston, Vagiprobiox, Candimilt]
- Phlebology [Flavovein, Venotonia]
- Pulmonology & ENT [Mucomilt]
- Hepatology [Bicyclol]
- Wound Care [Milplast]
- Orthopedics [Ortonia, Milsols]
What We Do The products produced by MHS covers the following therapeutic segments:
- Gynecology
- Phlebology
- Pulmonology & ENT
- Gastroenterolog
- Hepatology
Our Goal We want to manufacture our products for the primary and Specialty care segment. Our brands have advantage in galenic presentation for patients & Doctors
Our Vision To choose products for each market with its specificity of existing pathologies and to become among the first 3 leaders in the therapeutic segment which we are focusing.
Our Values
- Quality and efficacyThe Quality and efficacy of our products are the major importance for us. All our products are manufactured in the factories which practice CGMP (continuous good manufacturing certification). We continuously test our products in the independent laboratories in Europe to keep a constant control on the quality of our products
- Listen to our PrescribersWe constantly listen to our doctors who prescribe our products
- People FocusedWe believe and recognize that our employees are the drivers of our success.
- Results DrivenWe deliver results through a high-performing organization and have a commitment to excellence in all that we do.
- IntegrityWe are ethical and trustworthy in all our business and interpersonal relationships.
- 2009 12th June – Miltonia Health Science Ltd registered in the UK. Signed contract with manufacturer Softgel Healthcare Ltd (India) and Elder Pharma (India) for developing own products VAGIMILT, MUCOMILT, and FLAVOVEIN.
- 2010 Official opening of Miltonia Health Science Representation office in Kyiv - Ukraine. Signed in-licensing contract for BICYCLOL with Beijing Union Pharmaceutical Factory (China). Registration of BICYCLOL and VAGIMILT in Uzbekistan.
- 2011 Launch of VAGIMILT and BICYCLOL in Uzbekistan. Registration of BICYCLOL and VAGIMILT in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Registration of FLAVOVEIN in Uzbekistan.
- 2012 Launch of VAGIMILT and BICYCLOL in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Launch of FLAVOVEIN in Uzbekistan. Registration of BICYCLOL and VAGIMILT in Georgia. Registration of MUCOMILT in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
- 2013 Launch of VAGIMILT and BICYCLOL in Georgia. Launch of MUCOMILT in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Registration of VAGIMILT in French African countries.
- 2014 Launch of VAGIMILT in French African Countries. Registration of FLAVOVEIN in Georgia, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.
- 2015 Launch of FLAVOVEIN in Georgia, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. Registration of VAGIMILT in Mongolia. Registration of VAGIMILT, FLAVOVEIN and MUCOMILT in Moldova. Signed contract manufacturing with Eurosirel S.p.A. (Italy) for developing own brand MILPLAST. Registration of MILPLAST in Ukraine.
- 2016 Launch of VAGIMILT in Mongolia. Launch of VAGIMILT and FLAVOVEIN in Moldova. Launch of MILPLAST in Ukraine. Signed contract manufacturing with Steril-Gene Ltd (India), Unique Biotech Ltd (India) and The Madras Pharmaceuticals (India) for developing own brands FEMIGESTON, FLAVOVEIN, MUCOMILT and VAGIPROBIOX.
- 2017 Launch of VAGIPROBIOX in Kyrgyzstan. Launch of CANDIMILT with special agreement with MOH in Moldova. Expansion of the MILPLAST range and launch of new products in Ukraine. Signed contract manufacturing with Schiebler (Germany) and Varimed (Turkey) for developing own brand VENOTONIA. Registration of VENOTONIA in Ukraine.
- 2018 Launch of VENOTONIA in Ukraine. Registration of MUCOMILT SYRUP and FEMIGESTON in French Africa.
- 2019 Launch of FEMIGESTON in French Africa. Registration of CANDIMILT in Kyrgyzstan. Signed contract manufacturing with Safte (Italy) for developing own brand ORTONIA. Registration of ORTONIA, ORTONIA Milsols and ORTONIA Mama care in Ukraine.
- 2020 Launch of MUCOMILT in Moldova. Launch of CANDIMILT in Kyrgyzstan. Launch of ORTONIA, ORTONIA Milsols and ORTONIA Mama care in Ukraine. Launch of MUCOMILT SYRUP in French Africa. Registration of FLAVOVEIN in French Africa.
- 2021 Expansion of the MILPLAST range and launch of new products in Ukraine. Registration of VAGIMILT, MUCOMILT, CANDIMILT and FEMIGESTON in Angola.
- 2022 24th February - The beginning of a full-scale war initiated by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. Loss of 50% of business in Ukraine. Registration of FEMIGESTON in Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Registration of VAGIMILT in Algeria. Registration of MILPLAST in Kyrgyzstan. Launch of VAGIMILT, MUCOMILT, CANDIMILT and FEMIGESTON in Angola.
- 2023 Despite the full-scale war in Ukraine, the expansion of the VENOTONIA, ORTONIA, and MILPLAST ranges and the launch of new products in Ukraine. Launch of VAGIMILT in Algeria. Signed contract manufacturing with Junquera (Spain) for developing own brand MILSOLS. Registration of MILSOLS in Ukraine.
Softgel India
steril-gene India
Unique Biotech India
Beijing pharmaceutical union factory China
EuroSirel Italy