The innovative gepatotrophic drug for treatment of chronic hepatitises, created as a result of a synergy of traditional Chinese medicine and the most modern pharmaceutical technologies.

According to WHO data, about 2 billion people around the world suffer from various pathologies of a liver. Thus about 1 million patients with hepatic diseases are registered annually.

In the seventies scientists paid attention to positive influence of the Chinese Magnolia vine to functions of a liver at hepatitises of various etymology. As a result of scientific development Shizandrin C was synthesized from the Chinese Magnolia vine, and it became an active ingredient of Bitsiklol. Bitsiklol is protected by the patent for the invention in 16 countries of the world, including the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan.

Bitsiklol is a safe and effective drug in treatment of chronic viral hepatitises B and C, chronic hepatitises of not virus origin (an alcoholic liver disease, not alcoholic fatty disease of a liver, toxic medicinal damages of a liver), cirrhosis.

Bitsiklol provides, first of all, powerful antioxidant action. The preparation effectively fights with the free radicals which strike cells of a liver; protects cellular membranes and mitochondrions; weakens inflammatory processes; prevents liver fibrosis; promotes regeneration of cells of a liver.


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